What is A.A.?
A.A. is a fellowship of people who have decided to do something about their drinking. AA members help others achieve sobriety by sharing their experience in sobriety at AA meetings.
Hear how AA made the difference in his recovery:
Attending A.A. Meetings
A.A. membership is available to anybody who wants to do something about their drinking problem. There are no attendance or membership fees. There are no age, education, or religious requirements. Simply locate a meeting and show up a little before the scheduled start time.
Frequently Asked Questions
of First-time Attendees
​​Q. How do I know if I'm an alcoholic?
Only you can decide. No one in A. A. will tell you whether you are or are not. Read more.
​Q. What if I see somebody I know?
They will be there for the same reason you are. They will not disclose your identity to outsiders. At A.A. you retain as much anonymity as you wish. Read more.
​Q. How do i find meetings?
Find W.V. meetings on our Meetings Page.
Mobile users may use the Meeting Guide App.
​Q. What does it cost?
Nothing, A.A. has no dues or fees, but does collect voluntary contributions. Read more
​Q. Do I have to give my name?
You don't need to give your name, or you can give a phony one if you want to. A.A. understands. Read more
Q. Who may attend?
Anybody with a desire to stop drinking may attend any A.A meeting. Family members or close friends may come with you to open A.A. meetings only. Open vs. Closed meetings.
​Q. Do I have to say anything?
If all you want to do is sort of "try out" A.A. you are entirely welcome to ... attend as an observer and just listen quietly. Read more.
Q. A.A. is religious, isn't it?
No, nor is it allied with any religious organization, but most A.A. members attribute their sobriety to a power greater than themselves. Read more.
Answers to these questions come from the A.A. pamphlet, "A Newcomer Asks,' and the book "Living Sober."
Who Are A.A. Members?
Some people say AA members "come from Yale to Jail;" that we are people who "would not normally mix." Both are true. In general we are peple from all walks-of-life who have admitted we cannot control our alcohol consumption and who have found a common path to happy, productive lives.
We are not against alcohol, we have no agenda for political reform or legislation. We affiliate with no groups, organizations or religious organizations. We do not recruit members, but welcome all who want to attend.
We do not require conformity to any practices or beliefs. We simply share our experience with our alcohol problem and explain how we have recovered. Our own sobriety depends on helping others to recovery.